Friday 26 December 2014

Poster Draft Feedback

I presented my poster to our target audience and this is the feedback I received.

After taking these comments into account I made some changes to the poster to the audiences preference because they are they people who's attention we want to grab through our posters. If we add everything that our audience wants to the poster then there is a better chance that they will like our poster.

This is my improved poster design.

Sunday 21 December 2014

Quote of The Day 2

"Terror is the feeling which arrests the mind in the presence of what so ever is grave and constance in human sufferingsand unites with the cause" - James Joyce

Saturday 20 December 2014



this was the first day of filming when we shot the beginning of the scene of Lana in her bedroom getting ready for the camping trip. Filming for the first time was a definite challenge as it took some time to play around with the camera and understand how to use it properly. moreover, we experimented with lighting for the first time to see what position to keep the lighting in order for the camera to capture what was needed and make it look professional. There was many complications whilst filming for the first time as in the first run we forgot to use a mic. This wasn't good as our voices weren't as clear as we wanted it to and it needed to be projected in order for the audience to hear it properly. 


This was the day we filmed the flashback of reminiscing the past of the teenage girls at school when they were younger bullying Naila who plays the villain. We had to get these external actors last minute as the year 7's in our school who were originally assigned to play the actors couldn't make it. This is why we gathered these small group of girls as quick as we could by arranging to talk to their parents. First, I didn't understand how difficult it was to film with young children as they was very giggly and kept forgetting their lines and making a fuss about everything. It also took time to clam them down as they was very jumpy and excited. However, we got the scene completed at the end and we tried various angles and different shots to see which one came out the best starting from a high angle and altering as we went on.



This is the day we went out to film our establishing shot of the graveyard and film the conversation that Inaya was having over the phone to Lana. We managed to get a lot done on this day as we discovered a place in the graveyard to shoot very quickly. We played around with the camera settings and changed the colour of the picture into a more blue toned lighting to portray the vibe of a horror movie. Moreover, we managed to shoot when the sun was setting so it gave it a more creepy setting and atmosphere. On this day, we used various shots and camera movements from when Inaya  was walking towards the camera and talking on the phone to see what looked the best. We ended up using the long shot of Lana walking into the frame as we felt that the camera was too shaky as we followed her whilst she was walking in front of the camera. 



Today we filmed the scene where Naila is on the swings singing her lullaby after she has murdered the girls. It emphasised how Naila has mental issues and there is something not right about her. We tried filming this in different ways such as walking towards her face with the camera as she is swinging on the swings as well as keeping the camera still and just focusing on her face as she sings the lullaby. We also shot it from behind where we could only see her back to the camera and she is swinging on the swings. Then the camera quickly cuts to a close up shot of her screaming into the camera which gives the audience a final fright. The wind in the background was perfect as it gave a good sound effect as well as moving all the park equipment making it look more freaky!



This is the day we went into the graveyard to film the scene where Inaya gets taken away by the police officer. We used LED lights to get the perfect lighting as it was pitch black by the time we went out to film. We filmed the scene in different angles as we first filmed it as a mid shot, then we did a low angle canted shot so the camera was faced looking upwards towards the characters. Finally, we shot the scene from behind a tree to make it look like it was the villains Naila's point of view to show she is looking at the action. 

Sunday 7 December 2014


Audience profile!
Name: Shazmin
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Character name played in movie: Lana
Type of character played in the movie: Victim
Psychographic variable: Trendies- Those who crave attention of their peers
Hobbies and interests: Shopping, beauty,  fashion, makeup, hair, scrapbooking and being creative, baking, planning events, styling, doing makeovers and hanging out with friends and family.
Personality: Bubbly, funny and the girly girl from the bunch of friends

Name: Seema
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Character name played in the movie: Inayah
Psychographic variable: Rebel- Those who wish to remark the world in their image
Hobbies and interests:  She loves to go to the cinemas, explore and travel the world, into fashion and doing makeovers, interested in R&B music, enjoys photography.
Personality: She’s a brave individual who is has an outgoing personality and is not afraid to challenge herself

Name: Jamila
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Character name played in the movie: Saliha
Type of character played in the movie: Victim
 Psychographic value: Trendies- those who crave attention from their peers.
Hobbies and interests: Enjoys Disney movies, spending time with family and friends, favourite subject is English, likes reading jaqline Wilson books, loves to dance and is a traveller.
Personality: She is the kind and caring character who always looks out for others and has a loving personality and fun to be around.

Name: Marzana
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Character name played in the movie: Zahrah
Type of character played in the movie: Victim
 Psychographic value: Innovator- those who wish to make their mark
Hobbies and interests: Camping, swimming, writing stories, listening to pop music, she enjoys watching scary movies and her favourite boy band is One Direction.
Personality: She is the wise one in the group with a bold and bright personality who is always playing jokes in the group.

Name: Majiha
Gender: Female
Age: 10
Character name played in the movie: Nailah
Type of character played in the movie: Villain
Psychographic value: Rebel and innovator.
Hobbies and interests: plotting revenge, being alone, playing in the woods, playing with dolls, she enjoys watching horror movies.
Personality: Cunning, sly, mysterious, unknown, quiet and deadly

Monday 1 December 2014

Production Schedule

production schedule for editing:
9:00 AM- 10:40 AM
We are going to be editing the scene that we filmed in the bow cemetery
11:00 AM -12:40 PM
We are going to be editing Lana’s bedroom scene by adding in the background music and deciding what shots to use as we shot the same scene in different angles.
9:00 AM- 10:40 AM
We are going to be editing the scene of the flashback where we need to cut out all the giggling and laughter. Moreover, we are going to edit the marmoreal scene by adding in sad background music to give it a sad atmosphere.
10:40 AM -1240 PM
We are going to edit the park scene by speeding it up to make it look like the atmosphere is tense and fast.
Fahima and Jamila
9:00 AM- 10:40 AM
Edit the scene of us in the graveyard in our camping trip. We need to edit in sound effects such as twigs breaking, sound of heart beat racing and giggles and laughter from Nailah.
Shazmin and Fahima