Saturday 22 November 2014

Costume and Props List

  • Creepy doll- This will be used when the girls go camping and the doll is sticking out of a characters bag as well as creeping up in particular scenes such as when Lana is in her room getting ready for the trip, the camera will focus attention on the doll.
  • Bag pack for each teenage girl- This would be needed to show when the girls arrive in the graveyard that they are ready to start their trip with their essentials inside. 
  • Hairbrush- This will be needed to in the first scene where we see Lana getting ready in her bedroom and brushing her hair.
  • Lighting- We will need lighting for every scene as good lighting is needed in order to make the camera quality pop. We will need lighting in Lanas bedroom scene and the camping scene such as LED special lights in order to give the effect of us being around a campfire.
  • Kids are going to wear school uniform- The kids in our flashback will be needing to wear school uniform to show how they are in school bullying Nailah as a child. Them wearing the school uniform will set the scene as make it look realistic that it is a school environment.
  • Teenage girls are going to wear winter outdoor clothing (winter scarves and coats)- This is important as we need our characters to dress the part of the weather and look cosy as if they are going out to a camping trip so they have to dress nice and warm. 
  • Blankets- This will be needed to set the mood and atmosphere as the girls will be huddled around the campfire, eating marshmallows and warming up telling stories. 
  • Marshmallows- This will be used for eating around the campfire as marshmallows on sticks are a common prop used in the movies when friends go on a camping adventure.
  • Skipping rope & outdoor activities- These props will be needed to show how the chilren are in a school environment playing outside as they would do in break time. These props sets the atmosphere of being a in child friendly area.
  • Knife- This will be needed when Nailah kills the teenage girls as she uses this weapon to start her revenge.
  • Naila will be having stitches on her face (done by makeup)- This is done to make her look like a dangerous and evil villian as then it will be easier for the audience to identfy that she is the bad character in the movie.
  • Naila's face makeup will be pale- This will show that there is something wrong with her as illistrate how she is not a normal healthy little girl.
  • Candles- The candles will be used during Nailahs funeral as the candles will be laid next to Nailahs picture to show her sad passing.
  • Bunch of flowers- These will also be used in Nailahs funeral as it will show her friends paying respect of her passing as they lay out flowers of her remembering.
  • Revenge note- This revenge note will be written by Nailah 

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