Monday 3 November 2014

Risk Assessment For Location






- The area is surrounded by trees and bushes so we need to be precautious as we may trip over sticks or stones and get hurt whilst trying to film.
- There can also be a hazard if the weather starts to change and it ends up raining because we would not be able to get clear shots and the fire would go out.
- Since we are lighting a camp fire there may be health and safety hazards such as the stresses or film crew getting burnt.
- The person in charge of the camera may be harmed if they trip over anything as their focus will be on the camera and actors.
- The equipment may be harmed because if it starts to rain the camera and microphone will get destroyed so they won’t work as well.
- We might be harmed as well as our actors taking part. Moreover, the environment may be harmed if the campfire spreads and burns the wildlife.
- We will prevent any injuries by keeping a distance from the fire. Moreover, we will have a teacher assisting us while we are near the fire so there is a less chance we will get harmed as the teacher will take control and set up the campfire
- To avoid this hazard from occurring we will be careful on where we step and walk around the area softly and carefully avoiding anything that could harm us or trip us up.
- To prevent this hazard from occurring we will stop filming if it starts to rain and change our filming day to a dry day.

- We might accidently capture another child from the school whom we don’t have permission to film.
- There is a hazard risk associated with the children who are our actors as whilst they act out the bullying scene they might accidently get hurt whilst pushing each other around.
The child actors may be harmed as they might accidently hit each other whilst they are acting out the bullying scene and which could become quite serious.
To prevent it from happening we will make sure the children do not actually make any physical contact with each other so there is no violence and that they are only verbally bullying the charter of Naila

- There is a hazard of spilling any water/drinks, this could fall on the equipment or on the floor causing people to slip.
- Room may be too small for filming so people might be tripping over equipment and any props.
Our equipment may be harmed such as our prop of using a doll as if any liquid drops on the doll, it will get ruined and won’t be suitable to use no longer.
To prevent the hazard from happening, we will make sure before we film in the bedroom there will be no fizzy drinks or any sort of liquid that is able to spill in the bed covers removed from the scene and room.

- There is a risk of fire hazards in a classroom because if the plugs are not switched off or overloaded it can cause a fire which will be dangerous to film in a classroom full of children.
The children in the classroom as well as the teacher can be harmed and risk of any fire hazards.
To avoid this hazard from taking place we will remember to switch off any unnecessary plugs.

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