Friday 21 November 2014

Group Meetings

Meeting 1 - 23/09/14
Time: 12:00 - 12:15
What We Discussed:
The age group for our film should be teenage girls aged 12 and over so the film will be the classification of 12A. The type of sounds we want in our horror film is a child crying, wailing, little giggle sounds and laughter as well as creepy lullaby music in the background whilst portraying the evil child. We decided that for the mise en scene we would like to focus our film on a creepy doll that a little girl always carries around with her to show her innocence but reveal the devilish side behind the meaning of the doll. We also wanted the little evil girl to have weird, horrific makeup such and messy hair to illustrate how she is not a ordinary child! We decided to include camera shots such a tracking shot by taking the action along with the audience, a point of view shot from the evil characters point of view so we see exactly what she is plotting, long shot and establishing shot to show the scenery and narrative of the place. In the next meeting we will discuss what we will name our characters that will play in our film and how many characters are needed. 

Meeting 2 - 1/10/14
Time: 11:00 - 11:10
What We Discussed:
-In this quick group meeting we discussed how many characters will be in our film and we thought it should be a group of 4 teenage girls going camping and we needed a evil character named "Naila" so we used one of our group members little sister. We decided to name her Naila because in Arabic this means One who succeeds/accomplishes as Naila's character will succeed in her revenge. We also will decided to use Naila's group of friends to show how they used to hang out together in the playground as part of a flashback. We decided that the names of teenage girls would be Inayah, Lana, Saliha and Zahrah. In our next group meeting we will discuss editing techniques used in our film such as a flashback or a fade in. 

Meeting 3 - 26/10/14 
Time: 10:50pm

During this whatsapp conversation we were deciding what type of editing technique to use when showing the doll to the audience. We came up with using a focus editing technique to portray how the doll is an important aspect to the horror movie and we decided that the camera will turn close focus on the doll whilst a showing a character. We also discussed how the doll will be haunting the girls in the camping trip as the doll will be popping out of a girls camping bag to show shes lurking around and haunting the girls!

Meeting 4 - 3/11/14 
Time -10:50 
What We Discussed: 
We went to Wellington Primary School where we are going to film in for our flashback. As well as visiting the place we handed out the permission letters for the young girls participating in our film and handle the permission letters to the teachers. We also went and visited the location of the park we are going to use by looking and we looked around to see if the location was well suited for what we wanted to film. The location was good as it had swings which was the main prop needed as we are going to use Naila the young girl who will be swinging on the swing at the end of our film.

Meeting 5 - 10/11/14
Time - 3:10 - 3:45

What We Discussed:
We received a call back from Wellington Primary School with the news that we will not be able to film there as the parents of the children will be against it. Due to this we had to decide on a different school playground setting as soon as possible as the time for our filming was nearing. After much consideration we opted for Malmesbury Primary School which is a 5 minute walk away from our school so it would be very convenient for us. After visiting the school we managed to get permission for the filming. This led to another problem as we had recruit four new young actresses for the flashback scene as parents of the students at Wellington would not allow their daughters to travel to Malmesbury for our film. We then decided to recruit our relatives who are around the same age as the character of Naila.

Meeting 6 - 20/11/14
Time 12:40 - 1:30

What We Discussed:
We got together to discuss what we want our poster to look like. The poster survey results we did earlier were of great use at this point as it outlined what our target audience want to see in a horror film poster. This led to the decision that the main image will take up the entire poster and the writing on top will be in pastel colour dripping blood. The rest of the poster will be very gloomy using white black and red font colour. To be on the safe side each of us created our own posters so we were left with three to choose from at the end.

Meeting- 7/1/15
Time:12:00- 12:15
Today we presented our offline edit so far to our target audience they thoroughly enjoyed watching it and gave us some improvements these include.
1. Lana will press play so the music starts so we know where the music is coming from
2. Music ends when Lana’s phone rings
3. Close up shot of Lana putting on lipstick so we have a range of camera shots 
4. Point of view shop of the bullies running around Naila in a circle to show how irritating it is for her to be bullied in this constant circle 
5. Flashback colour change, so it would represent an unhappy time, the colour red which will be used links back to the horror genre 

These improvements will be added on to ensure our target audience are satisfied with what they are watching. 

Group Meeting 8
TIME: 3:30-4:30
Today we met up after school to have a makeup trial on our villian Nailah. We had to decide on the makeup look we are going to do on her to make her look as scary as possible. We started off by deciding that she will be wearing all white so she picked out a simple white dress to wear. We also added scratch marks in her face to give her appearence that something is wrong with her. We gave her black under eye patches and made her look dead with a pale face. We finished off by making her hair very messy like and untamed to give her a viscous and dangerous appearance. 

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