Monday 6 October 2014

Film Poster Analysis - Sinister

1. The little girl in the poster is part of the main image with her hand trailing blood in a very paranormal way. This suggests to the consumers that this girl will be the main focus in the film and she may be the one to go through the supernatural experiences. This is quite a stereotypical aspect for horror films as most child horror film seem to use little girls because they are seen as weak and helpless as opposed to boys. 

2. The cracks on the walls in the background may be
a way of emphasising the lives of the characters. It could indicate to the consumers that like these cracks the character's lives will also start to slowly fall apart as supernatural beings take over their lives

3. Like many other film posters this one also mentions how the producers of this film are also responsible for other successful films e.g. 'Paranormal Activity' and 'Insidious'. This shows that the makers have had previous experiences in horror and have the required skills to produce a good horror film which makes it more likely for the consumers to go and watch the film.

4. The title of the film sort of gives away the main focus of the film. The word 'Sinister' basically means evil so it hints to the consumers that some sort of evil spirit will be after the characters. The font also seems slightly creepy as the shadow of the writing seems to be dripping down almost as if it is slowly disappearing. This may also show how the evil will steadily wipe out the characters one by one.

5. The main image is the figure that has been created out of the blood gives a very daunting feel to the entire poster because it almost makes it seem as if the blood is alive since it has human like features but still holds that very 'sinister' look from the demonic eyes. It seems as if the eyes are looking straight at the audiences eyes which could be very frightening. The fact it has been drawn with blood also adds that element of fear because blood connotes death.

6. The tagline saying "Once you see him, nothing can save you" outlines the narrative and warns the audience of what is to come in the film. It also creates a bit of a mystery because at this point the audience do not know who the 'him' is in the film.

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