Monday 6 October 2014

Film Trailer Analysis - Devil's Due

The trailer for Devil's Due starts off rather different to it's genre. At the beginning of the clip it seems as if the character's lives are almost like a fairytale and they get married and are about to bring in a new life into the world which is a very beautiful moment for a happy couple. It does not look like there would be much trouble in their lives at this stage as everything is going as planned. The sound n the background also gives the audience the thought that the characters lives are gong extremely well as a very soft romantic music plays.

However as soon as the woman announces that she is pregnant, the mood slowly starts to change as this is when the trouble kicks in. This is supported by the constant dramatic music playing in the background as the woman starts to lose control of her actions and temper. Lighting also plays a big role in this as the the scenes start to get more gloomy and it is not as bright and summery as it was at the beginning. At this point the audience start to worry as they witness the change that is overtaking the character's lives and may also start to sympathise towards the couple.

The trailer effectively portrays the horror element without giving too much away through the use of technical codes and sounds. Consequently a lot of people will be drawn towards the film from what they see in trailer as there are many questions unanswered which is what a trailer should do: leave the audience wanting more.

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