Friday 31 October 2014



Levi Strauss' Binary Oppositions - This theory is about the discussion and application of oppositions within characters/location/narratives. Strauss believed that every film narrative consists of binary oppositions for example almost every film has a good and bad character or the comparison between wealthy and poor or the location changes from a cityscape to an exotic place.

Barthe's Enigma Code Theory - Barthe believed that the plot of a film constructs a puzzle that the audience must figure out while the characters act out the story. An enigma may end with a surprising twist. He said the narrative is delivered to the audience by expectation, suspense, tension and closure. The audience is led to expect certain things to happen which leads to tension and excitement.

Todrov's Equilibrium Theory - Todrov suggested that a media text usually starts off with a state of equilibrium where everything appears to be normal and calm. As the text goes on there is some sort of disruption (dis-equilibrium) where there is a threat to the normal situation. A new equilibrium is produced to end the narrative.

Propp's 8 Stock Characters -Propp said that there are 8 type of characters that are almost always in story lines. There is the villain, hero, donor (Provides devices for the hero to complete mission), helper, princess, father, dispatcher (person who sets up the hero's quest) and the false hero. An example of all of these can be given in the very popular film series Harry Potter. In these sequels the obvious hero is Harry Potter himself as he is seen as the protagonist who has to fulfil his destiny in the story. The villain is Voldemort as he seeks to kill Harry. The donor is every proffessor at Hogwarts as they cometogether to help him. The helpers are Ronald Weasley and Hermoine Granger as they are always there to support him in the battles. The dispatcher is Dumbledor as he is the one to set Harry on the mission.

In our narrative we will be using all four of these theories. In Bitter Revenge, the 4 friends who go camping are to be seen as the good characters and the ghost is to be seen as the bad character (Levi Strauss' Binary Oppositions). The suspicious sounds and sudden deaths will be a mystery for the audience as which they will unravel along with the characters (Barthe's Enigma Code Theory). At the beginning of the film everything is calm as characters are discussing their trip, once the film gets to the middle, everything starts to go downhill for the characters (Todrov's Equilibrium Theory). Our story line involves a villain - Naila and a hero - Inaya.

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