Saturday 11 October 2014


Title: Bitter Revenge
Certification: 12A
Target Audience: 
Our target audience will be anyone up to the age of 12-25. The film is specifically for females as the characters of the film are all teenagers girls. Our audience's psychographic should be traditionalist - those who want things to stay as they are, innovator because we need bold characters that want to make their mark, rebels because we want our audience to be confident and be able to remake the world in their image and trendies because the trendies crave attention from their peers. Their demographic should be a D due to them being working class, semi and unskilled manual workers. Their hobbies & interests should be watching movies, adventure parks, travelling, going out with friends, shopping etc. Format: Film
Duration: 5 minutes
  • Start - The beginning of the film shows Lana at her vanity trying to pack for a camping trip with her friends as she is on the phone to one of them It will set the scene of the girls getting excited to do a dare of going camping in a graveyard which they was challenged to accomplish. During this conversation of the two girls, the scene switches to Inaya who is in the graveyard  who is the first one to come to the graveyard and starts to hear unusual and perculiar sounds such as a twig breaking which should make the audience suspect things. When the other girls arrive they also will start hearing sounds from inside the graveyard but still don't suspect anything fishy.
  • Middle - When all the girls arrive to the locatio, they will  be telling scary stories around the camp fire. Suddenly more things start to stir up and things become freaky! this makes them become more and more eager to find out where the sound is coming from and they start getting a little worried. However, Little do they know that Naila is peering over and watching them secretly from behind a tree plotting her revenge and haunting them.  The brave one Inaya decides to unfold the mystery by getting up to investigate where the sounds are coming from so she disappears into the darkness. In the middle, there will be flashbacks played to show why Nailah hates these teenagers so much she feels to seek revenge as it shows a flashback of the girls when they was younger in school bullying Nailah. As Inaya fails to return the girls become anxious and worried so they  decide to split up and find where their friend has gone off to.
  • End -  Inaya comes back in a fright  to find her friends have been murdered and they are found dead on the floor. She then comes face to face with Elizabeth and learns that this was all part of Naila's revenge and she has been kept alive so she can live her life in trauma after being framed of the murder of her friends. This is when the police get involved and take Inayah away for the false accusation of murder. The film will end with Naila swinging on the swings and singing a lullaby followed up with her screaming into the camera to indicate she's a villain and she's mental. 
Key Scenes:

Key scene 1: opens up with a long shot of Lana on the phone and slowly zooms in to her face until the camera is at a mid shot of her as she picks up a can of hairspray from her vanity and starts fixing her hair and putting on lipstick as she is getting ready. The horror film will start off to show how everything is fine happy and everything looks normal. She receives a phone call from Inayah informing her to hurry up and get to the location. During this conversation the film will keep cross-cutting to Inaya who is on the other side of the phone.  The non-diegetic voice over continues over the scene of a panning establishing shot to the graveyard.

Key scene 2 will cut to a long shot of the other 2 girls with Inaya who is on the other side of the phone call facing away from the camera in the graveyard.  She will be walking towards the camera whilst she is on the phone to Lana so it will be shot as a long shot. The camera will switch to Lana who is on the other side of the phone call as she has a conversation with Inayah. The camera will then switch to a mid shot of Inaya as she hears a sound of something strange causing her to look around in mystery,There will be a twig breaking sound effect which will be followed by a close-up of Inaya's face as she looks back to see where the sound is coming from.while she faces the camera and then pans to show the other girls who arrived to the location. 

Key scene 3 will open up with a wide shot of all four of the girls around a camp fire as they are enjoying eating marshmallows and telling spooky ghost stories. As Zahra is talking, the camera will switch to an over the shoulder shot of her to give the appearance that somebody is watching over her and haunting the girls. The camera will slowly go around to show the expression of the girls faces which will be an close up shot and eye level angle. There will be the villains point of view shot of the girls from behind a tree while we hear violent breathing in the background and the faint sounds of the girls speaking.

Key scene 4 will be when the flashback occurs the film fades to a scene with a black and white point of view shot of the school playground and then cuts to a scene where there is a wide shot of 4 little school girls pushing another girl around in a circle as we hear them yelling insults at her. There will be a close up shot each of the girls who are bullying Nailah as they will be saying mean things to her. The camera will switch from each viewpoint of the girls to show thier emotion towards Naila. Then, there will later be an extreme close-up shot of the little girl on the ground at a high angle while she covers her ears and rocks herself begging the other girls to stop. We will also use the editing technique of a fade out so the sound can slowly fade out from the flashback and continue on towards reality. 

Key scene 5 ends the film with a panning establishing shot of a park, the pan stops at a little girl rocking on a swing while singing a lullaby, the camera travels closer an closer to her until it is at a close-up of the back of her head and slowly moves around to show her face from a lower angle. We will also try to shoot this shot from behind to see how effectively scary it will look from both angles. the behind shot will be of Naila swinging on the swings and the audience will only be able to see her back and as the camera gets closer towards her, the camera shot will change to a close up of Nailas face screaming in the camera to show how she is a devil.

Audience profile!
Name: Shazmin
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Character name played in movie: Lana
Type of character played in the movie: Victim
Psychographic variable: Trendies- Those who crave attention of their peers
Hobbies and interests: Shopping, beauty,  fashion, makeup, hair, scrapbooking and being creative, baking, planning events, styling, doing makeovers and hanging out with friends and family.
Personality: Bubbly, funny and the girly girl from the bunch of friends

Name: Seema
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Character name played in the movie: Inayah
Psychographic variable: Rebel- Those who wish to remark the world in their image
Hobbies and interests:  She loves to go to the cinemas, explore and travel the world, into fashion and doing makeovers, interested in R&B music, enjoys photography.
Personality: She’s a brave individual who is has an outgoing personality and is not afraid to challenge herself

Name: Jamila
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Character name played in the movie: Saliha
Type of character played in the movieVictim
 Psychographic value: Trendies- those who crave attention from their peers.
Hobbies and interests: Enjoys Disney movies, spending time with family and friends, favourite subject is English, likes reading jaqline Wilson books, loves to dance and is a traveller.
Personality: She is the kind and caring character who always looks out for others and has a loving personality and fun to be around.

Name: Fahima
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Character name played in the movie: Zahra
Type of character played in the movie: Victim
 Psychographic value: Innovator- those who wish to make their mark
Hobbies and interests: Camping, swimming, writing stories, listening to pop music, she enjoys watching scary movies and her favourite boy band is One Direction.
Personality: She is the wise one in the group with a bold and bright personality who is always playing jokes in the group.

Name: Majiha
Gender: Female
Age: 10
Character name played in the movie: Nailah
Type of character played in the movie: Villain
Psychographic value: Rebel and innovator.
Hobbies and interests: plotting revenge, being alone, playing in the woods, playing with dolls, she enjoys watching horror movies.
Personality: Cunning, sly, mysterious, unknown, quiet and deadly

Character Profiles:

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